
CloudSync - Settings Overview


In an effort to elaborate on the functionality of this new program, here's a breakdown of the Settings Tab.


Settings Overview


1. This is where the account you are signed in with is displayed.  It shows you the client id and the username and gives you an option to sign out of the current account.



2. Re-Sync is used to force a complete sync of your FilesAnywhere account.  It will re-index your FilesAnywhere account and sync up with your local folder.



 3. Selective Sync is where you can pick and choose what folders you want to sync.  You can sync your whole account or specific folders depending on your needs.



  • Clicking on the Selective Sync button pulls up your FilesAnywhere folder list.
    2015-09-04 11_53_44-Selective Sync.png
  • After selecting the folders you wish to sync, press the Select button.

4. The Sync Location is where your CloudSync folder will be stored locally on your machine.

  • Clicking the Open Sync Folder button will cause your machine to open the CloudSync folder so you can view the contents locally.
  • Clicking on the Browse button will allow you to choose where you want the CloudSync folder to be created.


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