
[OSX] Fix for not being able to access local file/folders on Safari while using Java bulk upload

[OSX] Fix for not being able to access local file/folders on Safari while using Java bulk upload

In Safari there's a new security setting: Safe/Unsafe mode. You can allow the Java plugin to run in Unsafe mode either for individual websites or for all sites. In Unsafe mode the applets will have unrestricted access to the local file system. This security setting works on top of Java's own security settings (restricted/unrestricted access).

This setting is available through Safari preferences / Security tab / Internet plugins: manage website settings (then select Java plugin).


Click on Java and then expand the drop down for filestoragecenter website configuration.


Click on “Run in Unsafe Mode” and click on the Trust button in the warning popup.


In unsafe mode it says that plug-in can access the documents and data.

Click the “Done” button and retry the java upload.





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