Step-by-Step Instructions: Renaming Files and Folders
Want to rename a file or folder in your FilesAnywhere account? Here we've provided an overview of how renaming a file works in Tree View, List View and Icon View.
In Tree View:
1. Right click on the file or folder you wish to rename, select "properties" and then "rename".
2. You will be prompted to enter the new file or folder name, then click the OK button.
Note: Be sure to keep the file extension in the file name (e.g., .jpg, .doc, .xls, etc.). The system will allow you to save a file without the extension, but this could lead to future issues. It's best to always include the file extension.
3. Your folder tree will automatically refresh showing the new file or folder name.
In List View:
1.Move your mouse over the file or folder you wish to rename and click the "gear" icon on the far right.
2.Choose "properties" and then "rename".
3. You will be prompted to enter the new file or folder name, then click the OK button.
In Icon View:

3. You will be prompted to enter the new file or folder name, then click the OK button.
Important Information About Renaming Files and Folders
- GroupShare™ users with full access are able to rename files and folders
- Certain characters are not supported in the remote file or folder name (such as "!" or "%"). It's best to use only alphanumeric characters in your file and folder names.
Still Have Questions?
If you need help or have additional questions about renaming files or folders, please contact us. FilesAnywhere LIVE customer support is available weekdays 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Our customer support is always free, and all engineers are located at our headquarters in the U.S.
08/22/11 Updated by Kym W.
08/19/11 Reviewed by Chris A.