
Supported File Types

Supported File Types

FilesAnywhere supports any type of file for storage in your FilesAnywhere account. However, only certain file types can be viewed and/or edited directly from our website. Below is a list of supported file types for online interaction.

Image Files for online viewing

ai, aai, art, avif, avs, bmp2, bmp3, cals, cin, cr2, cmyk, dcx, dib, djvu, dds, dmr, dng, doc, do dot, dpx, dcx, emf,  epdf, epi, eps, eps2, eps3, epsf, epsi, ept, exr, farbfeld, fax, fits, fl32, fpx, gif, gplt, hpgl, heic, heif, hdr, hrz, ico, jbig, jfif, jng, jp2, jpe, jpeg, jpg, jps, j2c, j2k, jxl, kernel, man, mat, miff, mng, mpo, mpr, mtv, nef, orf, p7, palm, pam, pbm, pcd, pcds, pcx, pdb, pfm, pg,. phm, pict, picon, png, png8, png00, png24, png32, png48, png64, pnm, ppm,  ps, ps2, ps3, psb, psd, ptif, qoi, rad, raf, ras, rgb, sgi, sun, svg, tga, tif, tiff, viff,  wbmp, webp, wpg, wmf, xbm, xpm. xwd

Music Streaming

aac, aif, mp3, m3u, m4a, wav, wma
Document Viewing

docx, docm, pdf, pptx, ppsx, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb

Video Streaming

3gp, 3g2, asf, asx, avi, flv, mkv, mov, mp4, mpg, qt, rm, swf, vob, wmv

Online Editing using Zoho

docx, docm, pptx, ppsx, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb

Online Image Editing

jpg, jpeg, png


bmp, csv,  doc, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx, gif, htm, html, jpeg, jpg, mcw, mdi, mpp, pdf, png, pps, ppsm, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx, potm, potx, rtf, snp, tif, txt, vsd, wks, wk2, wk3, wk4, wps, wql, wri, xls, xlsm, xlsx, xlt, xltx, xlw, xml

Autocad Viewer

dwf, dwfx, dwg

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