
FilesAnywhere iOS App Installation

Using the FilesAnywhere app has been made easier for you! We have been working diligently to bring you the best experience as well as the best outcome for your business or personal account.


  1. Search FilesAnywhere Mobile in the iPhone search engine.
    *Note: You will need to select iPhone only on the drop down menu for compatibility with iPad*

  2. Select the Get icon and application will begin to download.

  3. Once download is complete press the Open button.

  4. You will be brought to the login page.  Enter your username and password
    *Note: Private sites will need to input their Client ID followed by a colon before the username   (Example: 1213: Username)*
  5. After entering your credentials, you will be taken to your home screen.
  6. You are now able to access and view your files and folders through the application.

*Note: Currently, you are not able to edit through the application, please check back in for the most current updates as we continue to improve our service.*


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