
Viewing and Editing MetaData

Step-by-Step Instructions: Viewing and Editing MetaData

Now that you have MetaData defined, you may find that you need to edit or even delete fields. No problem! MetaData is a flexible solution which means you may change it as often as you like. Below you'll find instructions for modifying the MetaData already in place. You may also want to check out more information on:


Let's Get Started:

Viewing MetaData

1. Login to your account.


2. Click the EFORMS tab

 Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 2.06.37 PM.png


3. Locate the eForm and select View Data

 Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 2.12.18 PM.png


4. By default Form Data will display and you will need to click the bubble next to MetaData modify, export, or download the data.

 Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 2.58.52 PM.png


 Note: The Metadata view will only show the folder belonging to the logged in user. It will not show any GroupShareTM folders. 


Editing MetaData

1. Login to your account.


2. Right click on the folder with the MetaData that needs to be changed, then from the dropdown menu select Properties -> Edit Folder MetaData.


3. The MetaData form with the fields you added will display and then you can interact with the data by using submit, delete, view pdf, or submit and close.

 Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 4.27.20 PM.png

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