
Google Docs Editor

In addition to the Zoho Editor, FilesAnywhere also uses the Google Docs Editor.  These editors allow users to edit and update documents in the cloud without the hassle of downloading and re-uploading them.



Click here to learn how to enable the Google Docs Editor.


To make use of the Goggle Docs Editor for a particular document, just follow these steps below:


1. Navigate to the My Documents tab



2. If in Tree View, right-click on the file and navigate to the Google Docs editor.
    If in List View, click on the Advanced Options button to the right of the file and navigate to the Google Docs editor.
    If in Icon View, click on the down arrow on the file and navigate to the Google Docs editor.



3.  For first-time users, you will be asked to sign into your google account.



4. Once you sign in, you will be asked to grant FilesAnywhere access to your Google account.  Once this is complete you won't have to do it again, but you can revoke access from your Google account at a later date if needed..



5. After you grant access, the editor window will open up and begin to load the document.



6. Once the document is loaded, make the changes you wish.  Google Docs will automatically save your changes, indicated by the status message at the top of the editor.




7. After you have made the changes and they have been saved, you may close the window.  FilesAnywhere will then download the document back into your account and delete it from Google Drive.  You will receive a confirmation message when that is complete.



If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

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