
Workflow - Automations

Automations help you manage your workflow and, potentially, improve performance and customer satisfaction by alerting you to tickets that remain unresolved and need to be escalated.

Here are some uses for automations:

  • Notifying users when an assigned ticket remains unresolved for x number of hours

  • Notifying user groups when a new ticket remains unassigned for x number of hours

  • Notifying the assignee after x number of hours when a pending ticket has been updated by the requester

  • Closing tickets x number of days after they have been completed (by changing its status to Closed)

  • Finding "abandoned" tickets that haven't been updated for a certain number of days


Automations are similar to triggers because both define conditions and actions that modify ticket properties and optionally send email notifications to customers and agents. Where they differ is that automations execute when a time event occurs after a ticket property was set or updated, rather than immediately after a ticket is created or updated.



Check the Triggers & mail notifications article on how to add and manage the triggers.


Time-based Conditions

Automations are time driven, thus while configuring an automation it is required to add at least one time based condition.



You can select one from the available time based conditions:

  • Hours since ticket is created or updated
  • Hours since Status is open, pending, on-hold, solved or closed
  • Hours since Assignee is updated
  • Hours since a Date field on the workflow is updated


On selecting any of the above time based condition you will get the second dropdown to select the inequality type and a textbox to enter the value to be matched:



Add conditions and actions as per your requirement and click the Save Automation button to complete the automation configuration.



Still Have Questions?

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.


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