
Office Online Editor

FilesAnywhere has incorporated the Microsoft Office Online editor which allows users to edit Word, Excel and Powerpoint documents without the hassle of downloading and re-uploading them.

Note 1: Office Online does not support editing of older version (1997-2003) MS Office files (xls, doc, ppt). Only the newer versions (xlsx, docx and ppt) are supported.

Note 2: File sizes must be limited as per the following:

  • Excel - approx. 5MB
  • Word - approx. 50MB
  • Powerpoint - approx. 7MB

Note 3: If you have a Professional or Enterprise FilesAnywhere account, you must have a business Office 365 account in order to use the Office Online editor from within FilesAnywhere. Users with Personal FilesAnywhere accounts don't need any Office 365 account to edit their documents.

Click here to learn how to manage your Office Online Editor settings from your profile

To edit a Word, Excel or Powerpoint document with Office Online follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to the My Documents tab


 2. If in Tree View, right-click on the file and select "Edit with Office Online". 
     If in List View, click on the Advanced Options button to the right of the file and select "Edit with Office Online".
     If in Icon View, click on the down arrow on the file and select "Edit with Office Online".

If you don't see the "Edit with Office Online" menu option, look in the "Service Plugins" sub-menu. If you still don't see the "Edit with Office Online" menu option, it may be disabled in your profile, follow this article to enable it.


3. If you have a Professional or Enterprise FilesAnywhere account, you will be asked to sign in to your Office 365 business account. Once you sign in, it will open up the edit window. If you have a Personal FilesAnywhere account, it will directly open up the edit window with the document loaded in it.

3. Below is the edit window with the document loaded in it. The Office Online editor saves the document as you edit it. The status shows on top either as "Saving" or "saved" against the name of the document being edited. Please note that when the status changes from "saving" to "saved", it takes another minute for the changes to be saved to your FilesAnywhere account. After you are done editing, you may close the window.

4. Office Online allows simultaneous multi-user editing of the same document in real time. With multiple users editing the same document, the names of the users editing the document is displayed in the upper right corner of the document in the edit window, and the cursor of the users is displayed in a unique color with their username against it at the point where their cursor actually is in real time


In case you are a site admin, click here to learn how to manage Office Online Editor settings from the Admin Console.

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.





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