
Workflow - Ticket Viewer

The Ticket viewer provides a way to view and manage the workflow tickets. Using the ticket viewer you can create new tickets, view tickets based on the filter criteria, export ticket data, etc.

To reach the Ticket Viewer just login to your account and click the Workflow tab.

Note: The Workflow module is only available for Professional/Enterprise accounts. If you have such an account and do not see the workflow tab, contact your site administrator to enable workflow for your site. Workflow option is available in the Site Configuration / General Tab of the administration console.

To get to the ticket viewer you should have at least one workflow defined for your account. Please refer to Workflow article for getting started with workflow.

 In the ticket viewer you can perform the following ticket related actions based on your permissions:

  • Create a new ticket
  • Update an existing ticket
  • Delete a ticket
  • Export ticket details into excel format
  • Search for specific tickets using the advanced search criteria 



1. Create Ticket

You can create a ticket for a workflow by selecting the workflow name as below:

Note: The workflows will be ordered by the ones for which tickets have been created most frequently, in decreasing order. Thus, the workflows for which the most tickets have been requested appear at the top and those that have the least number of tickets requested, appear at the bottom.


2. Search for specific tickets

You can search for specific tickets by using following advanced search criteria



3. Ticket View Types

Following is the list of view types on the ticket viewer screen:

  • All Tickets: All tickets except tickets having a Closed status
  • My Tickets: Tickets which are currently assigned to the logged in user except tickets having a Closed status (Default View Type)
  • Unsolved Tickets: All tickets except tickets having a Closed or Solved status
  • Closed Tickets: Tickets having a Closed status
  • Pending Tickets: Tickets having a Pending status
  • Unassigned Tickets: All unassigned tickets except tickets having a Closed status
  • Recently Updated Tickets: All tickets, ordered by their date of update with the most recently updated tickets appearing first
  • Unassigned in your groups: All unassigned tickets belonging to the user groups except tickets having a Closed status


4. Ticket Sort By Options

Following is the list of sort by options available on the ticket viewer screen: 

  • Newest: Recently created tickets at the top (Default Sort By Option)
  • Oldest: Older tickets at the top
  • Subject
  • Requested
  • Updated
  • Group
  • Assignee
  • Status
  • Priority (Urgent-Low)
  • Priority (Low-Urgent)


5. Manage existing tickets

5.1 Export Ticket(s)

You can export selected / all tickets into an excel format using the EXPORT button.

Note: Selected ticket details are grouped based on their associated workflow.

5.2 Delete Ticket(s)

You can delete selected / all tickets based on your permissions.

5.3 Edit Ticket

You can edit a particular ticket by clicking anywhere on ticket row. The ticket will be opened in a view based on the current ticket step and you can modify the details based on your permissions.


6. Create workflow and other workflow related details

6.1 Create workflow

You can use the links shown by the red numbers 1 and 2 in the image below to create a new workflow. The system will redirect you to the create workflow form. Please refer to Workflow article for more details on how to create a new workflow.

6.2 Other workflow details

You can manage or explore other workflow options by using both VIEWS and MORE toggle buttons. You can view workflow dashboard / data view or meta data view or reports or settings of individual workflow using these toggle buttons.


Still Have Questions?

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.


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