
New Look: How to Unlink, Link or Disable Adobe Sign

How to Unlink, Link, or Disable Adobe Sign

If you ever need to disable or unlink your Adobe Sign login from your account, here is what you need to do.

(Note: If you do not see Adobe Sign you will need to contact your Administrator to activate it for your user account).

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Click on the My Profile icon on the top right
  3. Then select My Account

  4. Expand the Settings section and click on Service Plugins

  5. To disable/enable DocuSign, uncheck/check the checkbox for Send to AdobeSign

  6. To unlink your DocuSign login from your account, press the Reset Adobe Association link.  Then log out of your account and close your browser.  This will ensure that the temporary cache is cleared.
  7. To disable the plugin completely you may select the Disable Button


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