We live in a world full of information. Wouldn't it be nice if it was centrally located and easy to find? For FilesAnywhere users, it is! The Folder Properties screen provides all the important details of the selected folder so that you can review it at a glance and manage your data with a few clicks. The screen contains three tabs: Settings, Email Notification, and File Retention. Here, we've provided an overview of how to access Folder Properties and the features available in each tab.
Table of Contents
To Access Folder Properties
1. Log into your FilesAnywhere account.
2. Select or Right click the Folder that you want to Change the Properties on
3. Navigate to More
3. Select Properties
That opens your Folder Properties.
1. Settings- Allow you to set the general settings for the folder.
2. Email Notifications- You can control who and what is notified when changes are made to the folder.
3. File Retention- A user can set up Automated content control on a folder. (Learn more about Lifecycle and Retention)
4. Activity and Retention- This is where you set your general Folder Properties.
5. Enable Checkin/Checkout- The check box enables/disables enforcing Checkin/Checkout Version Control rules on the selected folder. With this feature enabled, all downloads and uploads are automatically tracked using Checkin/Checkout
6. Disable Delete- Completely disables all deletion capabilities within the selected folder and sub-folders. (Note that disable delete applies to the contents of the folder, not the folder itself)
7. Enable File Activity Logging- With File Activity Logging enabled, a copy of every file version uploaded to the folder and subfolders is made. (These Folders will inherit properties from the selected folder.) (When File History Logging is enabled, you can set the number of versions the system will retain as backup for each file. If you only want to use the File History Log feature without retaining any backup versions, select 0 (zero) from the Keep dropdown menu.)
Email Notifications
1. Settings- Allow you to set the general settings for the folder.
2. Email Notification- you can control who and what is notified when changes are made to the folder.
3. File Retention- A user can set up Automated content control on a folder. (Learn more about LifeCycle and Retention)
4. Activity Notifications-
- Daily Activity Report- an emailed daily report displaying all file updates within 24 hours.
- File Check-in Notification- Sends an email notification for every file check-in.
- File Check-out Notification- Sends email notifications for every file check-out.
- Always Send Email- When enabled, all members of the GroupShare for a selected folder will be included in email distributions.
- Delete- This will send an email notification whenever a file is deleted from the selected folder.
- Move- Sends an email notification when a file is moved from the selected folder.
- Copy- Sends an email notification when a file is copied to/from the selected folder.
- Rename- Sends an email notification if a file/folder is renamed.
- Create Folder- Sends an email notification if a subfolder is created
- Comment- This sends an email notification that a comment has been made on a file or subfolder.
5. Standard Recipients-
- Folder Owner- The user who created the folder.
- GroupShare Users- A set of users with access to the selected folder, subfolders, and files.
6. Additional Recipients- Allows you to specify other email addresses to be included in notifications, even if they are not GroupShare users. Any valid email address is acceptable, and separate multiple email aliases with semi-colons
7. Contacts- Creates a list of individual's contact information so that it can be quickly accessed in future communications.
8. Save- Saves changes to properties and settings within the Folder Properties screen.
File Retention
1. Settings-Allow you to set the general settings for the folder.
2. Email Notifications- You can control who and what is notified when changes are made to the folder.
3. File Retention- A user can set up Automated content control on a folder. (Learn more about Lifecycle and Retention)
4. Lifecycle- This feature allows you to expire content in folders by automatically deleting files and subfolders using a retention period.
5. Archive- This feature allows you to archive the content in folders by automatically moving files and subfolders to a user-defined archive location.
6. Add Lifecycle Rule- This rule determines how long a file will remain in the folder before it is purged automatically from our system.
7. Delete- You can delete current LifeCycle rules on the selected folder.
8. Rule List- Displays all current LifeCycle rules on the selected folder.
1. Settings-Allow you to set the general settings for the folder.
2. Email Notifications- You can control who and what is notified when changes are made to the folder.
3. File Retention- A user can set up Automated content control on a folder. (Learn more about Lifecycle and Retention)
4. LifeCycle- This feature allows you to expire content in folders by automatically deleting files and subfolders using a retention period.
5. Archive- This feature allows you to archive the content in folders by automatically moving files and subfolders to a user-defined archive location.
6. Add Archive Rule- This rule allows you to set what files and folders need to be archived and moved to the folder location chosen.
7. Delete- You can delete current Archive rules on the selected folder.
8. Rule List- Displays all current Archive rules on the selected folder.
Still, Have Questions?
If you need help or have additional questions, please contact us.