
New Look: How to close your Business Starter account

In the unfortunate event that you need to close your FilesAnywhere account please follow the provided steps to close the Business Starter accounts:

Because FilesAnywhere's security policy prevents access to the personal information contained in your profile, we are unable to cancel your account. In order to close out your account, you'll need to follow the steps below.

1. Log into your FilesAnywhere account (

2. Click on the My Profile button in the top right hand corner

3. Click on the My Account button

4. On the left menu, click on Manage Account to expand the menu

5. Click on Close Account


5. A box will pop-up asking you if you want to close your account, click on Continue.


6. Once you confirm the cancellation by clicking Continue, you will receive an email with a unique security code associated with your account.


7. Enter the security code and select whether you want to cancel the account Immediately or at the End of the Billing Period. Then click on Close My Account to finalize the process.


8. If you have trouble getting your security code make sure you check any spam or junk folders. 



*Note: If you do not verify the security code received in your primary email, the account will remain active.*


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