
New Look: Enhanced Drag and Drop

FilesAnywhere is committed to providing innovative and convenient features that add value for our customers. Its enhanced drag-and-drop feature does just that: You can move files or folders with a single click.

Drag and Drop to Move File(s) & Folder(s)

1) Drag and Drop (All Files)

Select the File(s) or Folders you want to move.

Drag the File(s) or Folder to All Files


2) Drag and Drop (Left Panel)

Drag the file(s) or Folder(s) to move them to the desired location on the left-hand panel


3) Drag and Drop (Another folder)

Drag the file(s) or Folder(s) to move them to the desired Folder

Once the file(s) and Folder(s) are moved, you will see the following


Drag and Drop (Add to Favorites)

Drag your file(s) or Folder(s) to add them to the Favorites menu


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