
New Look: Activity Log

FilesAnywhere's Activity Log allows you to record actions on your account, such as uploads, downloads, File moves, deletions, and more... All in one convenient central location.

How to Access The Activity Log

1. Log in to your account.

2. Click the Hamburger Menu on the upper right of your screen

3. Click Activity log


Activity Log

1. Folder: You can search specific folders for tracked activity.

2. Activity: This allows you to track specific types of activity, such as file history/link history, check-in/checkout, and currently checked-out files. 

3. Export: The Activity Log will be exported into a .csv file.

4. Delete: Will remove selected activities from the log.

5. Select Filter: This allows you to show specifically tracked actions.

6. Search: You can search for specific files, actions, or dates.

7. View: This option displays detailed information regarding the action, such as who owns the file or folder, what action was taken, the name of the file or folder, what date it was last updated, and more.

8. Updated By: Who last updated the file or folder, user file share recipient, or GENERALLINK

9. Action: The action taken on the file or folder, such as copying, deleting, previewing, GroupShare, etc.

10. Date: This is the date that the activity occurred.

11. Name:  Lists the names of the folders.

12. Size: The size of the files or folders.

13. IP Address: Shows the location of the logged-in user or recipient completing the action.

14. Location: The path to where the files or folder are located.

15. Comment: Any additional information about the action, such as the FileShare or GroupShare ID.

16. Email: The email address of the logged-in user or recipient who completed the action.


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