
New Look: Online Image Editor

With the FilesAnywhere Image editor, you can quickly and securely edit your images. You can crop, resize, add filters, and more without needing complex and expensive editing software.


Table of Contents

How to Access

Alternate access

Image Editor


How to Access the Image Editor

1. Log into your FilesAnywhere Account.

2. Select the image that you want to edit.

3. Click on the Hamburger Menu.

3. Select Edit Image.

This will open the Image Editor.

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Alternate Access

1. Log into your FilesAnywhere account.

2. Open the image that you want to edit.

3. Select the Elipsis menu on the left.

4. Select Edit Image from the menu.

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Image Editor

1. Back to Home- Returns you to All Files.

2. Download- Download the file directly to your hard drive.

3. Action Menu- Gives you access to Edit, download, upload, share your file, and more!

4. Save Image- Saves any changes you have made to the image.

5. Adjust- This allows you to change the brightness, contrast, exposure, and saturation of the image.

6. Effects- With effects, you can add special effects such as edge enhancement, emboss, blur, and more to your image.

7. Filters- This allows you to add lighting effects to your image.

8. Orientation- Rotate, flip, or turn your image.

9.  Crop- Allows you to cut, trim, or remove part of the image to improve composition.

10. Resize- You can change the size of your image to make it bigger or smaller.

11. Watermark- Protect your images with custom watermarks.

12. Shapes- You can add different colored shapes to your image files.

13. Image-  Gives you the ability to insert another image into your image files.

14. Text- Allows you to add text to your image files.



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