The electronic signature is electronic representation of your signature for all purposes, including legally binding contracts - just the same as a pen-and-paper signature.
We are now providing an enhanced way to either Type, Draw or Upload signature image (available to registered users) and configure your electronic signature.
In the Type tab of the configure your electronic signature window type your name in the Full Name text box. As you type the signature representation of your name will appear in the review your signature area:
You may also go to the Draw tab and draw your signature by clicking and holding the mouse left button:
Click the Clear link if you wish to clear and re-draw your signature.
Click the Done button and you are all set to use your electronic signature.
Signature for Registered Users
A registered user may configure and update the electronic signature from the Profile page. Along with Type and Draw options there is a third option to Upload signature image is available only to the registered users.
You may click the click to upload... area, select the image you wish to use as your signature and upload it. The recommended dimensions of the signature image is width: 500px and height: 200px.
Still Have Questions?
If you need help or have additional questions about Electronic Signature, please contact us.