
Admin Console - How to make FileShare Link tracking required

FilesAnywhere makes it easy for administrators to ensure that all users' FileShare activity is being tracked.  To enable this setting across your entire site, please follow the steps below.

  1. Log into your admin console.
  2. Click on the Site Configuration tab at the top of the screen.
  3. On the left, click on FileShare Defaults.
  4. At the top of the screen on the right, you will see the Security options.
  5. Click on the third checkbox to enable "Require all link Preview/Downloads to be recorded in the File History Log"
  6. Click on the Save Site Configuration button on the top right to save your changes.

Now when an admin or a user attempts to edit the FileShare tracking settings, they will be presented with the following messages.

  1. Admins - When editing FileShare Defaults for a user.
  2. Users - When editing their FileShare Defaults.
  3. Users - When creating/editing a FileShare Link within their Access & Permissions settings.


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