
WebDAV for Windows 10

Step-by-Step Instructions: Mapping a Network Drive or Folder on Windows 10

Note: Starting November 29th, 2023 the WebDAV feature will be limited to legacy accounts only and will not be available for new accounts.


Table of Contents

Mapping a Letter Drive

Mapping a Folder



Let's Get Started:

Mapping a Letter Drive

1. Click the Star button in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen. 



2. Type "This PC" and you will see the following screen.



3. Choose "Map Network Drive" from the quick menu on the right of the screen.



4. Select the letter you wish to assign to your drive from the dropdown menu.

5. In the address field, enter, where "username" is your FilesAnywhere login ID, enable both "Reconnect at sign-in" and "Connect using different credentials", then click Finish.



6. When prompted, enter your FilesAnywhere username and password and enable "remember my credentials", then click OK.



7. Verify that the process is complete by going back to 'This PC'. The mapped letter drive should appear in the menu under the "Network Location" section.


Important Information About WebDAV

  • Some database applications may not function on a Web-based network drive exactly like they do on a standard local area network drive.  To be certain, ask your software vendor about how their software is supported accessing data files through a "WebDAV " connection.

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Mapping a Folder

If for some reason the mapping of a drive won't work for you, you can attempt to map a folder instead.

1) Follow the same three steps as above in the Mapping a Drive section.

2) Select the "Connect to a Web site that you can use to store your documents and pictures" link instead.

3) You will be taken to the Add Network Location Wizard. Click Next to proceed.

4) Select "Choose a custom network location" and click Next.

5) In the address field, enter, where "username" is your FilesAnywhere login ID and click Next to proceed.


6) When prompted, enter your FilesAnywhere username and password and enable "remember my credentials", then click OK.


7) Enter a name for your folder and click Next.


8) Complete the wizard by clicking Finish.


9) Verify that the process is complete by going back to 'This PC'. The mapped folder should appear in the menu under the "Network Location" section.


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