
Admin Console - User Status

Are you curious what each user status means?  Take a look below for the answer!

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1) Active - An account that is in good status that can be accessed by all means.  In this status the account still counts in your total user count and the data usage counts toward your storage.

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2) Locked - An account that typically has exceeded the invalid login attempts and has been switched to a locked status to prevent access.  In this status the account still counts in your total user count and the data usage counts toward your storage usage.

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3) Disabled - An account that has typically been manually switched to this setting to ensure that the account cannot be accessed.  In this status the account does not count in your total user count, but the data usage counts toward your storage usage.  This status is often used free up user licenses but retain valuable data for extraction at a later date. 

Note: Please be aware that disabling a user will delete all the links (FileShare, FileRecieve, eForms), Advanced Permissions (GroupShare, FTPS, SFTP, & WebDAV), and Storage associated to the account. This cannot be reversed.


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