
eForms - How To Hide DIV Sections In Custom HTML Forms

In order to hide custom form DIV's from restricted users and guests, follow the steps below.

Note: This is only available for Custom HTML eForms.

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Click on the eForms tab.
  3. Find the custom eForm you wish to edit and click on the Edit button on the right.
  4. Then click on Step 3: Field Permission Configuration.
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see two fields.
  6. Enter the DIV ID of the section you wish to hide from the Restricted User or Guest views.  Separate DIV ID's with a comma.

  7. Make sure to press save on the field you've added the DIV ID's in.  Now those divs will be hidden from the respective view.


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