FilesAnywhere has a report that tracks all of your FileShare links and it shows the status of the links in real-time.
- To reach the FileShare Link Report, sign into your Administrative Console and click the Report tab.
- Then click the drop down and Select FileShare Link Report.
The FileShare Link Report displays all of the FileShare Links created and sent.
Here you can search by the File Path if you wish to narrow down the report.
Column Descriptions:
- Shared Item - Displays the folders being shared in the FileShare link (does not include all sub-folders)
- Shared By - Displays the username that created the FileShare link
- Created Date - The date the FileShare link was created
- Expiry Date - The date the FileShare link will expire, if any
- Days Left - The days left till the FileShare link will expire, if any
- Email To - If the link was emailed to a destination, the email address will be displayed. Otherwise the link was created and will be listed as GENERALLINK
- Tracked - Indicates if the FileShare Link has "Record each file downloaded/previewed in the File History Log" enabled
- Mailed - Indicates if the FileShare Link has "Email me when the files are downloaded" enabled
- Watermark Text - Displays the custom watermark text enabled on the link, if any
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